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28 Miles in 28 Days for the Teenage Cancer Trust

Nicky Dye

I will be walking More Than A Marathon in May. It’s 28 miles – one for each of the 28 Teenage Cancer Trust hospital units, where young people get the expert nursing and emotional support they need.

This charity speaks to me because it's hard enough being a teenager with cancer, without a place to hang out during periods of treatment, that caters for your need to have some normality in your life. A space where teenagers with cancer can continue to be teenagers as much as possible, and a specialist team who understand your emotional needs.

This challenge takes just a little commitment and organisation - or a sprint to the finish, depending on your approach to deadlines. Most importantly, it is a challenge that we can all do with a healthy, happy side effect for our own busy lives and the warm glow of karma yoga, that is giving back.

So join the Love YogaBird Community Team and we can do this together, or remotely. You can choose to raise some money, or just donate what you can. There are no rules, you do it your way.

To join my team, email

For more info, go to

To donate, go to

Thank you for your support.

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