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  • Nicky Dye

Introduction to Yoga Massage - a day for anyone interested in yoga or massage

I've been interested in yoga massage for years, and how it can provide immense relaxation and relief from stress. I first came across Ralf Marzen at the Om Yoga Show. He has over 20 years of experience from Thailand and Europe, and has agreed to come to Claygate on the Friday 13 April to run a day's training for anyone interested in yoga or massage, from complete beginners to experienced yoga practitioners and holistic therapists.

The day will start with a brief chat about the history of this wonderful massage style and Ralf will answer any questions you may have, then we'll get down to some hands-on learning. Ralf will demonstrate with his co-teacher, talking us through the techniques, and then we will start to practice in pairs, while Ralf guides us. He'll continue to demonstrate as he offers support and guidance, so you can visually check the different techniques and positioning.

Ralf Marzen, founder of Mudita Thai Yoga

The day is broken down into sections of the body - feet, legs, arms, hands, head, and back, and then we will get to practice and experience everything we have learnt in one go. It is so helpful to repeat the new techniques again, highlighting what you do and don't remember and getting more guidance.

At the end of the day, we will have learnt and practised a 50 minute routine, and will take home a complementary picture guide. Your family and friends will be queueing up to receive this relaxing treatment. Do teach them a few techniques so they can practise on you too!

If you'd like to know more about what Thai Yoga Massage is, click here. [URL]

TO BOOK, go to £95/£76* includes lunch, a 50 minute routine and a manual. 20% EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT* if you secure your place with a deposit before 10 Feb 2018.

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